Meet the Team

  • Man wearing glasses and a blue polo shirt with Romanian flag and text "Saritur in Apa" against a backdrop with various logos.

    Dragos Mihai Vasilescu


  • Young girl with long curly hair wearing a blue shirt, smiling and displaying multiple gold medals around her neck, standing in front of a promotional backdrop with various logos.

    Maria Vilceanu

    12 years

  • Young boy wearing a navy polo shirt with medals around his neck, standing in front of a backdrop featuring various logos.

    Rares Pop

    12 years

  • Young person in blue polo at an event with sponsor logos in the background.

    Ingrid Zarnescu

    11 years

  • Young athlete with medals standing in front of a logo backdrop

    Alexander Stoica

    11 years

  • Young person wearing a blue shirt with printed design, standing in front of a backdrop with various logos, and wearing a medal on a red and yellow ribbon.

    Antonia Staicu

    10 years

  • Young boy wearing a blue polo shirt with medals, standing in front of a backdrop with various logos.

    Andrei Cristea

    10 years

  • Young girl in blue polo shirt with logos and text on backdrop

    Sofia Manta

    9 years

  • A young boy wearing glasses and a blue shirt with logos behind him.

    Victor Ulian

    10 years

  • Young girl in a blue polo shirt with Romanian flag, against a backdrop with various logos.

    Medeea Pop

    9 years

  • Smiling child with a medal in front of a sponsorship backdrop.

    Adam Stoica

    6 years

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